Saturday, August 8, 2009

G.I. Joe Plot Outline

8:47 - Lights dim, previews ended. It's all downhill from here. Is that a baby crying? It is! A baby is crying in the movie theatre! Which gets me wondering, what's the better story line:

1. A baby already crying in anticipation of a horrible movie, or
2. Someone sneaking a freakin' baby into a movie theatre! ... to see G.I. Joe!

(Out of the 15 or so previews, Shutter Island looks promising. Leonardo stars as a U.S. marshall who gets trapped on an island-based insane asylum in this Scorsese thriller. I'm starting to get anxious for the fall movie line-up - in most part because we all know G.I. Joe is about to suck.)

10:48 - Credits roll, time to go home. Officially convinced a machine is wearing a Dennis Quaid costume.

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